Inspiring Stories
Donors and recipients alike have found that sharing stories helps raise awareness on just how life-changing donation can be, but also brings comfort to our donor families during the grieving process of losing a loved one.
Wyatt Mills, Cornea Recipient
Dear Donor Family, My sweet little boy received a precious gift from your loved one, sight. I know there are no words that can truly express our feelings for your family. I want you to …
Jaylynn Parker, Cornea Recipient
“A family had to agree to cornea donation in order for my daughter to be on the receiving end, and if it wasn’t for that family doing that, we would not be where we are …
Dalton Burger, Cornea Recipient
The potential to help save and enhance the lives of others – those who suffer from chronic illness, from a debilitating disease, from the effects of traumatic events. By designating your decision to become a …
The Nuby Family, Donor Family
Ms. Tina Mays, We received your letter today regarding the gift your organization received from my dad, Grant Nuby. Although our time of mourningcontinues, we are so very grateful and thankful for your letter that …
Ann Delehanty Koenig, Cornea Recipient & Living Kidney Donor
My connection to donation is two sided, as a recipient and a donor. My first experience was toward the end of college I was diagnosed with keratoconus. I finished college and one day while playing …
Connie Towles, Cornea Donor
On Tuesday, May 29, 2012, my Connie closed her eyes, took her last breath, and drifted o¬ff to perpetual peacefulness. After 27 months of chemotherapy, doctor visits, CT scans, biopsies, radiation, surgeries, emergency room visits, …
For Our Donor Families

We are always looking for individuals or families who want to share their story about the impact of donation, both as a donor or recipient.
If you have a story you’d like to share with us, send us a message.